New Reports of Three Species of Campanulaceae for Veracruz, Mexico, with Comments on Similar Species
- Bruno Senterre and Gonzalo Castillo-Campos
- Nuevos informes de tres especies de Campanulaceae para Veracruz, México, con comentarios sobre especies similares
- Rhodora, 110(942):210-216. 2008.
- The New England Botanical Club, Inc
During studies of the Campanulaceae for the Flora of Veracruz (Mexico), we found three new records for the state. The resurrection of Centropogon oaxacanus is proposed, and C. wilburii is considered as a heterotypic synonym. Both names were previously known only from the type localities in Oaxaca. Lobelia caeciliae was previously known only from the holotype, which was collected in Chiapas. Lobelia tatea reaches its northernmost limit in the submontane forests of Veracruz. For each taxon, the distinguishing characters and similar species are discussed.