Sorpresa entre las hojas

Sorpresa entre las hojas Castillo Campos, Gonzalo Eco-Lógico Revista de divulgación científica Volumen 3, Número 1, Primavera 2022 Páginas 148 – 155 Resumen Descargar Descubre más recursos bibliográficos Vegetación y flora del municipio de Tlalnelhuayocan, Veracruz. Notas sobre la vegetación de la zona arqueológica de el Tajín Análisis florístico de Leer más…

First record of naturalization of Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. (Goodeniaceae) in southeastern Mexico

First record of naturalization of Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. (Goodeniaceae) in southeastern Mexico Gonzalo Castillo-Campos,*, José G. García-Franco and M. Luisa Martínez BioInvasions Records (2021) Volume 10, Issue 2: 425–435 Resumen Scaevola taccada (Gaertn.) Roxb. is native of Asia and eastern Africa but has beenintroduced into the Americas as an Leer más…

Size matters: larger galls produced by Eutreta xanthochaeta (Diptera: Tephritidae) on Lippia myriocephala (Verbenaceae) predict lower rates of parasitic wasps

Size matters: larger galls produced by Eutreta xanthochaeta (Diptera: Tephritidae) on Lippia myriocephala (Verbenaceae) predict lower rates of parasitic wasps Mónica Hernández‑López * Vicente Hernández‑Ortiz * Gonzalo Castillo‑Campos * Geraldo W. Fernandes Arthropod-Plant Interactions Received: 29 January 2020 / Accepted: 13 April 2021 Resumen Gall induction is one of the Leer más…


LAS COLECCIONES BIOLÓGICAS Gonzalo Castillo-Campos, Israel Acosta Rosado, María Elena Medina Abreo Eco-Lógico Voluúmen 1 · Número 2 · Otoño · 2020 Xalapa, Ver. Descargar Descubre más recursos bibliográficos Composición Florística de un Bosque Mesófilo del centro de Veracruz, México Leer más TAMAÑO POBLACIONAL Y CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL HÁBITAT DE MAMMILLARIA Leer más…

Vertical distribution of epiphytic lichens on Quercus laurina Humb. & Bonpl. in a remnant of cloud forest in the state of Veracruz, México

Vertical distribution of epiphytic lichens on Quercus laurina Humb. & Bonpl. in a remnant of cloud forest in the state of Veracruz, México Gonzalo Castillo-Campos, Rosa Emilia Pérez-Pérez, Octavio Córdova-Chávez, José Guadalupe García-Franco and Marcela Eugenia da Silva Cáceres Nordic Journal of Botany Abstract In the tropics, corticolous lichen richness Leer más…

The frugivory network properties of a simplified ecosystem: Birds and plants in a Neotropical periurban park

The frugivory network properties of a simplified ecosystem: Birds and plants in a Neotropical periurban park Gabriela I. Salazar-Rivera, Wesley Dáttilo, Gonzalo Castillo-Campos, Norma Flores-Estévez, Brenda Ramírez García, Ernesto Ruelas Inzunza Ecology and Evolution. 2020;00:1–13.  Abstract Frugivory networks exhibit a set of properties characterized by a number of network Leer más…

Identification of the Mexican species of Lycianthes series Piliferae (Capsiceae, Solanaceae) and the rediscovery of Lycianthes caeciliae

Identification of the Mexican species of Lycianthes series Piliferae (Capsiceae, Solanaceae) and the rediscovery of Lycianthes caeciliae ELLEN DEAN, DANIEL M. MCNAIR, GONZALO CASTILLO-CAMPOS, THOMAS STARBUCK,MARCO ANTONIO ANGUIANO-CONSTANTE, KATHERINE MAWDSLEY, MARIO VÉLIZ PÉREZ4 & FREDY ARCHILA4 Phytotaxa 425 (3): 163–189 Abstract Solanum piliferum was first described by Bentham in 1840, Leer más…

Response of tree diversity and community composition to forest use intensity along a tropical elevational gradient

Response of tree diversity and community composition to forest use intensity along a tropical elevational gradient María Leticia Monge-González, Dylan Craven, Thorsten Krömer, Gonzalo Castillo-Campos, Alejandro Hernández-Sánchez, Valeria Guzmán-Jacob, Nathaly Guerrero-Ramírez, Holger Kreft Applied Vegetation Science Abstract Question: Land-use change and intensification are currently the most pervasive threats to tropical Leer más…

Salacia frutiplatensis (Celastraceae, Salacioideae), a new species of the coastal sand dunes of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico

Salacia frutiplatensis (Celastraceae, Salacioideae), a new species of the coastal sand dunes of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico GONZALO CASTILLO-CAMPOS, OLIVIA M. PALACIOS-WASSENAAR & M. LUISA MARTÍNEZ Phytotaxa 440 (3): 186–192 Resumen Se describe e ilustra a Salacia frutiplatensis como una nueva especie. Este nuevo taxón forma parte del estrato arbóreo Leer más…

Floristic diversity and stocking rate in tropical dry forest secondary vegetation used for grazing

Floristic diversity and stocking rate in tropical dry forest secondary vegetation used for grazing Osmar Espinosa-Palomeque MSc (OEP) , Gonzalo Castillo-Campos, Lucrecia Arellano, Ponciano Pérez-Hernández a, Silvia López-Ortíz Global Ecology and Conservation 23 (2020) e01088 Abstract The natural process of ecological regeneration in tropical regions in conjunction with local livestock Leer más…